wang shuiying <> writes:

> Hello,
> I am really sorry to trouble you again with my naive questions. :-)
> (1)Where does LineSegmentIntersector carry out its intersection? In
> GPU or CPU?

Looking at the implementation of operator() in
LineSegmentIntersection.cpp shows that it performs everything on the
CPU. I could only find a CUDA implementation for the 2D case.

> (2) How can I know which processes happen in GPU, which ones in CPU?
> (perhaps only draw traversal happens in GPU?)
> (3)How can I check the rendering rates of my osg programm? Is it
> invariant during run time or does it remain constant?

osg::Viewer has a osg::Stats property and also comes with
osgViewer::StatsHandler which can print timings as a HUD display.

> Thank you very much in advance!
> Shuiying
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