
Am 17.02.12 16:04, schrieb Büsra Gülten:

> I have already build OSG 3.0.1 on iOS 4. Now i would like to build it on iOS 
> 5. Core Libraries like osg, OpenThreads, osgDB and osgUtil are building 
> correctly. But the linking with my App, notify following error: 
>> Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
>>   "osgUtil::IndexMeshVisitor::makeMesh()", referenced from:
>>       osgUtil::Optimizer::optimize(osg::Node*, unsigned int)in 
>> libosgUtil.a(Optimizer.o)

Please check if you added libosgUtil to your linking stage of your app.

> I have also tried the newest iPhone Example on github. I get there similar 
> error I mentioned above:
>> ld: warning: ignoring file 
>> /../IPhone_Project/3rdParty/lib/libFreeType_iphone_universal.a, missing 
>> required architecture i386 in file

Unfortunately the packaged freetype lib for iphone is for device only
(arm6/7), not for the simulator (i386). This exlains your errrors about
missing symbols. But you can build libfreetype by yourself...

I did a quick test with the examples from the github-repository and they
do compile und run fine for IOS 5.


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