Hi Chris,

Can you give a bit more info about what you've tried and why it isn't working?

I haven't worked with osgViewerQt before, but it looks like it inherits from 
osgViewer::Viewer, runs in single threaded mode, and frame() is called by the 
paintGL method, which is presumably triggered by the QApplication's event loop. 
 In this case, it ought to be safe to set the camera position in other events 
in the same loop, such as user interaction through the sliders you want to use.

What I'd recommend is connecting the sliders via the signal/slot mechanism to a 
function you define, which reads the value of each slider and creates an 
osg::Vec3 from them.  This will be your "eye" vector.  You also will define the 
"center" vector (the point the camera aims at) and the "up" vector of the 

To actually get the camera, use ViewerQT::getCamera() (inherited from 
osgViewer::Viewer).  Then make the call to setViewMatrixAsLookAt with the 
vectors from above.

Hope that helps,

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