Hi John,

On 24 February 2012 03:53, John Simpson <john.simp...@mbda.co.uk> wrote:
> I know it's possible if I dig into the windowing system for a specific 
> platform, but I was hoping to do it using an OSG cross-platfom method (see 
> first post).
> The app's developing and I'm now using a CompositeViewer for which I'm 
> explicitly creating a GraphicsContext so I have access to the supportsResize 
> trait and it still resizes (on both platforms).
> I'll stop pestering this thread now and do it the long way.

You should be able to do the cross platform route, but if there is a
bug on the OSG side on one particular platform we as a community just
need to fix it.  I just have access to Linux, and have very little
Windows experience so can't help out with debugging the Windows side,
so have to rely on Windows dev to get things working perfectly under
Windows - this normally works out pretty well.

To resolve the issue the best route would be to create a small example
that illustrates the problem so that others can reproduce, confirm the
problem and then work to fix it.  Modifying an existing osg example
would probably be a good place to start.

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