
This is a Linux machine and I am using Eclipse for development of a Qt app.

I installed OSG V 3.0.0 and found it did not have the Qt integration in it.  I 
then downloaded and built OSG V 3.0.1.  I need to read a PNG image but find 
that I have no osgdb_png.so in my 3.0.1 directory which is under 
/usr/local/lib/osgPlugins-3.0.1.  I do have it under my home directory 

Can I just copy  the 3.0.0 plugin to my 3.0.1 directory or is there a version 

Why didn't my osgdb_png.so get placed in the 3.0.1 plugin directory along with 
the rest of the plugins?  How can I get it there?

What needs to be set up in order for the plugins to be found?

I now have 2 OSG versions on my computer.   Can I safely get rid of the 3.0.0 
version?  How can I do that?

Thank you!


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