
Typically I use osg::ref_ptr<> to let osg handle reference counting.
Right now I'm trying to create a 'rendering engine' for another
library with osg. The idea for the other library is to maintain an API
that allows different rendering engines -- osg, ogre, vtk, etc. The
other library has virtual methods that are called when objects need to
be added and removed from the scene, ie:

void RemoveObjectFromScene(SomeStruct &myStruct)

The objects can be thought of as having a 1:1 relation with osg nodes.
I'd like to maintain a reference to the osg node corresponding to the
object so I don't have to traverse the scene graph to find a given
node (there are a lot of objects and this would get way too expensive
I think). I can modify SomeStruct as long as its library-agnostic --
so no osg specific stuff goes in there. Could I use a void * or
something similar to store a reference?

   void * mysteryPtr;

    osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> myNode = new osg::node;   // 1 ref to myNode
    m_persistant_root_node->addChild(myNode);   // 2 refs to myNode

    mysteryPtr = myNode.get();   // 2 refs to myNode (no change!)
    // 1 refs to myNode since ref_ptr has gone out of scope as long as
m_persistent_root_node is alive
    // mysteryPtr has NO bearing to any ref counting, except for the
fact that's its a valid pointer to osg::node as
    // long as we have > 0 refs to it

I'd be very grateful if someone could verify the above logic. If I'm
in the wrong here, I'd appreciate any advice pointing me in the right


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