Hi Preet,

On 16 March 2012 19:53, Preet <prismatic.proj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Typically I use osg::ref_ptr<> to let osg handle reference counting.
> Right now I'm trying to create a 'rendering engine' for another
> library with osg. The idea for the other library is to maintain an API
> that allows different rendering engines -- osg, ogre, vtk, etc.

Others have amply answered the ref counting question so I won't add
anything further than this.

I would like to question the idea of adding an rendering API
abstraction layer.  VTK is a very different beast to OSG or OGRE, and
the later two while have more in common which each other than they do
with the approach of VTK are still very different in design and
implementation.  This will mean the abstraction layer would have to do
a lot of work just to try and fit them all into the same box.  In
doing this fitting you'll almost certainly make it harder to do any
advance usage of the underlying API that you are actively using at any
time.  What you are gunning for is hard to design, hard to implement
and hard to maintain.

The next question I'd like to pose to what do you gain for this
abstraction layer?  The Pain is high with the approach you want to
take, so the benefit will have to be huge....

Personally I can't think of a good reason to justify all the pain and
hampering of final functionality.  I would recommend not going to the
lengths of trying to abstract away from the API's.  Work out what you
need to do with your application, work out what you need from your
rendering API and match this up against the candidates in front of
you.  All of the candidates have been around for a good period and are
mature SDK's each with their own strengths and weakness, but one thing
for sure is that they have lived long enough and have big enough
communities to know that they will be around for a good while longer
and there all open source, so there isn't any reason to hedge your
bets on which one will be around in 5 or 10 years time, there is a
good chance they all will be.  So work out which one fits best and
pick it and discard the rest.

This approach will be the most productive in the short term, mid term
and long term.  Software projects are typically hard enough as it is
without putting extra roadblocks of complexity in your way.

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