I thought this was an old issue already fixed. Are you saying this is still occurring on the current OSG trunk? What versions of OSG have you tested?

On 5/19/2012 9:03 AM, Frederic Bouvier wrote:

I am pretty sure it has been discussed before, but I am unable to retrieve the
right thread, so ...

I have a dual card setup, each driving a single monitor. When I start osgViewer,
the viewer span on both screen, an initial image is displayed on both too, but
only the primary display is updated when I change the camera view with the
mouse. Clicking on the frozen screen and then on the live screen update the
image on the frozen screen but only for one frame.

I have the last WHDL NVidia driver. Cards are 2 GF GTX470 and I tried with and
without SLI enabled. The same problem occurs in a multiscreen setup of 

Any idea ?


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