When running a Windows OSG 3.0.1 application under Windows Remote Desktop the 
OpenGL driver defaults to the (ancient) software MS OpenGL GDI renderer v1.1.  
Unfortunately, I need to make the basics of our app work under RDC.

I am finding that glDrawElements ( called from void DrawElementsUInt::draw) 
crashes every time inside the MS OpenGL driver when given a geometry with say, 
3000 elements. With smaller numbers of elements there are no problems.

This is code that works perfectly when running under accelerated drivers such 
as nVidia/ATI etc. I experimented with breaking up the drawing of elements into 
blocks of size GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES_WIN with no luck. It seems that repeated 
calls to glDrawElements in a loop even with a small number of elements cause 
the same issue.

This is almost certainly a bug in the driver, but I am wondering if anyone has 
a workaround that can be done at the OSG level.


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