Thanks for your reply.
I am using iOS SDK 5.1.
This is the initialization code inside of a UIViewController:

osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext::Traits> traits = new
        CGRect lFrame = [self.view bounds];
        unsigned int w = lFrame.size.width;

        unsigned int h = lFrame.size.height;
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::Referenced> windata = new
    std::cout << "the screen Scale is: " << [[UIScreen mainScreen] scale]
<< std::endl;
        // Setup the traits parameters
        traits->x = 0;
        traits->y = 0;
        traits->width = w;
        traits->height = h;
        traits->depth = 16; //keep memory down, default is currently 24
        //traits->alpha = 8;
        //traits->stencil = 8;
        traits->windowDecoration = false;
        traits->doubleBuffer = true;
        traits->sharedContext = 0;
        traits->setInheritedWindowPixelFormat = true;
        traits->inheritedWindowData = windata;

        // Create the Graphics Context
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::GraphicsContext> graphicsContext =
    _viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer();
        _viewer->getCamera()->setViewport(new osg::Viewport(0, 0, traits->width,

Best regards,
Robin Jörke

Am 18.06.12 14:36 schrieb "Stephan Maximilian Huber" unter

>Am 18.06.12 12:23, schrieb Joerke, Robin:
>> I have developed an iPad-App using osgViewer::GraphicsWindowIOS.
>> When deploying to an iPad 3 with iOS 5.1, I noticed that iOS
>> upscales the graphics context by factor 2, for filling the Retina
>> However, osg still renders in a low resolution (1024x768), leading to
>> aliasing artifacts.
>> I tried to increase the rendering resolution to 2048x1536, but I could
>> find out how to disable the iOS upscale. This leads to the problem that
>> only a quarter of the rendered image is visible. Even changing the
>> contentScaleFactor property of the UIView did not help.
>> I read about osg already supporting Retina Displays. What am I missing?
>Support for Retina-display is only available when compiling osg against
>a SDK >= 4.0
>It should work out of the box, so when you request a graphicscontext for
>1024x768 you'll get a view sized 1024x768 and a graphics-context with
>2048 x 1536.
>Hoy do you set up your GraphicsWindowIOS?
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