Hi Garret,

On 23 August 2012 19:28, Garrett Cope <garrett.cope....@simcen.usuhs.edu> wrote:
> Attached are two screen shots. 'shadow_before' is the base state with a box 
> casting a perfectly fine shadow. 'shadow_after' is where I have rotated the 
> camera such that the box has moved out of view to the right. In this image 
> you can see another clipping edge beginning at the bottom of the shadow that 
> moves relatively vertically as the box continues to rotate to the right of 
> the viewing window.

Thanks for the screenshots, unfortunately it doesn't quite provide
enough clues to know what might be amiss.

Could you output a small model that using the osgshadow example can be
used to recreate the issue?

You can record a camera path with osgshadow by pressing 'z' to start
and 'Z' to finish, this then writes out a file saved_animation.path,
you can then replay this in osgviewer/osgshadow using the command line
option -p saved_animation.path.

> As with the LiSPSM implementation, if I comment out the clipping section 
> (here in adjustPerspectiveShadowMapCameraSettings(..) function), it looks 
> fine but of course is then not clipped at all.

It sounds like the light space extents isn't being fitted properly, or
there is an error in the adjustment of the shadow map projection
matrix for the light space extents.  Debugging these issues requires
models that can recreate the issue though, there isn't really anything
I can do without being able to reproduce the problem.

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