Hi and good day!
Preface (scroll down for my problem):
I'm developing an App based on OSG 3.0 for Android and i'm having a problem 
with translucent backgrounds and models.
please bear with me if it's a stupid question. i'll try to explain my problem 
in detail and not too confusing.
the source code i'm basing this on is from the osgAndroidExampleGLES1 

i've already changed a lot of things. it's an augmented reality app, meaning 
that i'll stream from the camera to a GLSurfaceView and have the EGLview 
overlayed on this surfaceview. so far so good. to see the stream from the 
camera i obviously need to make the background from the osg part translucent. 
to do so, i changed the EGLview.java to initialize the context with 
"translucent = true": (from EGLview.java, line 59)

public EGLview(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
// we need to initialize it with translucent = true.
init(true, 16, 8);
Log.d(TAG, "EGLview(Context, AttributeSet) called");

this will make the whole background translucent, which is what i want. to 
actually see the background i followed the advice i got from this thread 
and in the OsgMainApp.cpp i added this line in the function 
OsgMainApp::initOsgWindow(x, y, width, height):


which set the backgroundcolor to black with alpha = 0.
again, this is what i want, but it's not an option for me to stream the video 
into the osg.

when i load a model and turn off the camera (as in the GLSurfaceView with the 
videostream is removed) it looks like this (and this is how it should look 
(click the screenshots to go to bigger versions with higher quality)
[Image: http://i.imgur.com/wRpbxl.jpg ] (http://i.imgur.com/wRpbx.jpg)

now here comes my problem:
when i turn on the camera the color of the model is lost whenever the camera is 
showing something of a light color. like this:

[Image: http://i.imgur.com/BnukZl.jpg ] (http://i.imgur.com/BnukZ.jpg)

in the following screenshot i tried to cover half of the camera with a book:

[Image: http://i.imgur.com/ebF9Pl.jpg ] (http://i.imgur.com/ebF9P.jpg)

now i'm honestly desperate to find a solution to this, but everything i've 
tried so far didn't yield the desired results. has anyone come across a similar 
problem or maybe even a solution on this? could it be an error in the model i'm 
using? i thank everyone who took the time reading through this.

some more information on the model i used:

Geode {
name "siemens1_aligned_geo.ply"
nodeMask 0xffffffff
cullingActive TRUE
num_drawables 1
Geometry {
DataVariance STATIC
useDisplayList TRUE
useVertexBufferObjects TRUE
PrimitiveSets 1
DrawArrays POINTS 0 1317508
VertexArray Vec3Array 1317508
93.6877 -51.5449 20.8001
//... more data
NormalBinding PER_VERTEX
NormalArray Vec3Array 1317508
0.998192 -0.053112 0.0281376
// ... again, more data
ColorBinding PER_VERTEX
ColorArray Vec4Array 1317508
0.363281 0.363281 0.359375 0
// ... yes, more data

Thank you in advance for the smallest hint!


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