
My current challenge seems to be a hard one ;-)
In my pipeline I effectively removed all lightsources from the original scenegraph and copied to a separate graph. Instead of the original lightsources I install an update callback to transform the lightsources like in the original graph, so I can render them as light-volumes with the correct pose in another pass. This is working very well, even with dynamic transforms as childs of the original light sources. Now the problem with this approach is, that light sources below a switch or osgSim::Multiswitch node will not work as expected. As the update callback is called for every node, regardless of being active or inactive, the light source will be transformed an active in my case. Has anybody an idea how to find out if the current traversal originated from an inactive parent? I don't see a simple solution, but maybe the experts here can help me out. Does the NodeVisitor somehow collect this state, or is there any way to install a callback on the parental switches to find out when a subgraph is disabled?

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