
propably the answer depends on what is to be done with physics. (and has been 
discussed before?)

But i'm curious if someone can post his/her experiences with OSG and 
physics-integrations concerning performance differences.

Well, up to now i only tried PhysX ... and my answer rised because i found 
three ways for integrating PhysX:
- callback
- GUIEventAdapter
- node-integration
There might be more ...

Finally, let me say that i wanna do something in the direction of vehicle 
First using the 'pre-defined models', but afterwards maybe creating a more 
sophisticated model.
So i'm pretty sure, that i could use any physics engine ... maybe Bullet is 
better to be integrated into OSG than PhysX? Or the way round? Or Havok is 

Basically, i'm just wondering if there are 'notable' differences in performance 
concerning the different physics-SDKs and their ways of integration? 
(Especially in terms of vehicle dynamics)

Thank you very much!


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