
I did not see your reply. The reason for the current construction is
simply copy-paste from an example I found online. We are indeed
working with the composite viewer, so that route may be the best.

So, to summarize, for the hud I would:

1. create a new camera.
2. Set the graphic context to the same osgQt::GraphicsWindowQt as the
normal camera.
3. Create a new view for the hud camera, and add it to the common
composite viewer.

I'll look into this on Monday.

On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 12:36 PM, Robert Osfield
<> wrote:
> Hi Kristofer,
> I have just tested your cube.cpp and see the problem with being able
> move the hud layer.  I haven't drilled down into the code yet but I
> strongly suspect the issue is nesting a HUD Camera in the scene graph
> and how an intersection traversal will handle this case.   My own
> inclination would be to place a HUD layer as a slave Camera in the
> viewer or use a CompositeViewer with a View for the 3D view and View
> for the HUD layer.  This way the intersections can happen indepdently
> for each View/Camera from the top and less likely to conflict.
> Robert.
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Kristofer Tingdahl, Ph. D.
dGB Earth Sciences
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