HI Andrey,

The OSG's Shape objects original purpose was to provide mathematically
defined shapes in support of physics engines.  So there isn't an
attempt to provide an exhaustive range of different types of shapes,
only the ones useful for physics engines.

For going beyond this set there is essentially an open ended list of
shapes one might want to create, so rather than chase this one simply
lets the user create an osg::Geometry the shape they require.  For
rendering purposes I generally recommend that users avoid using the
osg::Shape classes as well as the are not written to optimize
rendering performance, the render side for them is just a convenience


On 29 October 2012 04:28, Andrey Zubarev <azb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all!
> In OSG we have some simple 3D primitives such as Sphere, Cylinder, etc., even 
> Capsule! But what about more primitives, for example, Torus, Torus Arc, 
> Truncated Pyramid, Truncated Cone, a Dish (half of Ellipsoid) and so on?
>  I believe, all these entities could be done by hand, from the scratch. But, 
> maybe, someone knows the source of these primitives - just to avoid 
> re-inventing a bicycle?
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Andrey
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=50845#50845
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