On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 5:54 PM, Björn Blissing <bjorn.bliss...@vti.se> wrote:

> I have also made progress with the sensor integration and have successfully 
> added correction for chromatic aberration in my shader.
I can upload it tomorrow if anyone is interested.

Sure thing.

BTW, it would be best to start e.g. a Github repo for this. I am sure
there will be contributors.
Also, it does help to abstract the SDK code a bit away, because the
SDK doesn't work in Linux at the moment and there are also some
license issues that could be issues in some use cases (e.g.
combination with GPL code).

I have been testing the OpenHMD library - the tracking code kinda
works (there is no magnetometer support), but the display parameters
returned are bogus. I have also my own library in progress for this

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