
I'm looking for a graphics engine for a flight simulator using a HMD like the 
Oculus Rift.
Because of the HMD I need a very low latency. But I also would like very high 
graphics quality.

Which of the following two approaches would be best?
Use some high quality game engine and switching off all features that result in 
high latency. Thus lowering the latency. I do not know if there will still be 
high enough quality graphics left.
Use OSG and add features for higher quality graphics witout adding to much 
latency. I do not know if that is doable.

I think the big advantage of B (using OSG) is that I have full controll of the 
rendering. So low latency may be easier to get. But how difficult wil it be to 
add features to get high quality graphics?

I hope you guys can give some usefull comments on this.
Thank you!


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