HI Gianni,

The root node of scene graph is passed onto the CameraManipulator by the
Viewer in setCameraManipulator() and setSceneData() to ensure that the
CameraManipulator's know what the root node is so can account for it when
doing calculations on home position etc.

Reading between the lines I'm guessing you want to override this and have
the manipulators base themselves on a node other than the root scene graph.
 Could you explain what you are doing and what end result you are after?


On 3 March 2014 16:43, Gianni Ambrosio <ga...@vi-grade.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> is there a reason why View::setCameraManipulator method also sets the
> manipulator node? It seems that this method does more than what it states.
> In particular if I already set a node into the manipulator calling
> setManipulator erases the previous node.
> Regards,
> Gianni
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