Hi Yann,

from my experience with different shadow maps techniques the best results I
am getting with open terrain and models is
with LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMapDB.

To answer your question: probably you have found the masks for shadow
casting and recieval with setReceivesShadowTraversalMask
and setCastsShadowTraversalMask methods of ShadowedScene. Then you set
these masks in the node->setNodeMask. For the terrain you set the nodemask
to terrain->setNodeMask(CastsShadowTraversalMask |
ReceivesShadowTraversalMask) and for the truck you do

I have some code I can share if you wish that works well with huge terrains
and models. Ping me on my email if you want


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 4:27 PM, Yann Takvorian

> Hi,
> I have tried to use osgShadow on a terrain database to make it more
> reallistic but could not get what I want.
> I started with the osgShadow sample (v3.1.5) and noticed on the island
> demo (-4) that the shadows where jittering when the light was moving.
> Then, I replaced the island with an OSG database onto which I added one
> truck.
> So, my shadowedScene contains 2 nodes, the osg database node and the truck
> node.
> On the final result, I tried several shadow techniques. The ShadowMap is
> the one I like the most but the result with the moving truck is not
> satisfactory.
> I believe that the selfshadowing is the problem because, when the terrain
> is receving only and the truck is casting, the shadow of the truck is nice,
> BUT, there is no shadow for all buildings and trees of the database !
> Is is possible to remove the selfshadowing effect ?
> Could it be possible to make the terrain apply the shadow on itself,
> without the truck node, then cast the truck node on the terrain only ? (so
> that to prevent the terrain from casting shadows on the truck)
> Any hint would help me.
> Thanks in advance.
> ...
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Yann
> ------------------
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> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=58872#58872
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