I've made a couple of attempts, and I feel like I am very close...

On one attempt, using a seperate osgViewer for each View, everything works but 
the Database Pager isn't happy about having multiple viewers looking at the 
same data. (osgEarth data under PagedLOD nodes flickers in and out of the 
various levels of detail)

On another attempt, using a composite viewer, everything works as I would 
expect it to if I only have one view, and I am able to add QGraphicsItems to 
the scene, but if I attempt to add a second View, they get rendered to the same 
viewport, fighting over it, spit out a bunch of "detected invalid value after 
renderBin draw" errors, then crashes.

On another attempt, having multiple views works fine, until I add a 
QGraphicsScene to the graphicsView. The items in the QGraphicsScene will 
render, but the osg view will not, sending "Cannot make context current" errors 
to the console.

Across these three failure modes is the set of features I need working; I just 
need to find the proper way to mesh them together

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