
I've been struggling with this for over a week now, its really blocking 
progress on my project.

Basically, I can't seem to get quad buffer stereo working in any sort of 
compositeviewer. For what its worth, both the osgcompositeviewer example and my 
own application show the same error : 

Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' at after RenderBin::draw(..)

..and refuse to show anything other than a mono view. 

I get the same issue on both my builds: a MinGW Windows 7 build and a gcc build 
on Arch Linux.

My OpenSceneGraph is built from source in both cases using the latest revision 
in trunk (14459)

Finally all other stereo modes seem to work in all cases, on both builds. I've 
been trying to track the problem down using a debugger without any luck. 

I'm going to try and debug the GL calls next, but was wondering if anyone else 
had experienced anything similar.

Thank you!


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