Hi Michi,

I did some builds with VPB last week and didn't come across any flipping
problems with the datasets I was working with.

My guess it must just be happening for certain datasets. Could you provide
guidance on how you are running osgdem and the data you are using to see
this flipping issue?


On 23 February 2015 at 11:05, Michi Scholz <builtbymi...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Moin! Any news to this topic? I built VPB from current sources yesterday
> and the problem with flipped textures still exists. My DEM and image file
> are of the same extent and reference system. Loading the DEM alone works
> fine. When I specify just the image file via -t without any DEM (omitting
> -d option), this texture also gets flipped. Further, the rendered tiles are
> somehow broken as they do not match at their boundaries. Increasing
> --tile-image-size I get my image to be displayed without any tiling at all
> where it results to be flipped in total.
> Greetings from Braunschweig!
> Michi
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