Hi all,

Hopefully this isn't too newbie a question.

Let's say I have a camera at the origin, looking down +x axis.
I have a cube at position (1,0,0) and a sphere at position (5,0,0).

If I render my scene normally, I will see (from the camera) the cube, but not 
the sphere because it is occluded by the cube. When I use the osg picker to 
pick with my mouse, it will pick the cube first, then the sphere. 

Next, I disable depth testing and give the sphere a higher render order than 
the cube. When I render my scene again, now I see the sphere and not the cube.
However, if I use my picker again, the picker still picks the cube first, and 
then the sphere.  I want the opposite.

Which leads me to my question: Can the osg picker order the picking based on 
render order or is it always by depth only?

Thank you for your time!


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