
I am (as some of you already know) working with the integration of the Oculus 
Rift and OpenSceneGraph. Usually I have been able to get the new SDK working 
within days of a new release. But since v0.6 of the Oculus SDK I have been 

This has mainly been due to the fact that this SDK version is pretty much a 
completely new SDK compared to the previous version. Most of the setup is now 
handled inside the Rift SDK and runtime. When trying to integrate this I have 
run into a bit of a problem. My current implementation is almost working BUT I 
get serious flicker in the image and the output console is filled with messages:

Warning: detected OpenGL error 'invalid operation' at after RenderBin::draw(..)

I have compared the OpenGL calls from my integration with one of the pure 
OpenGL examples from Oculus. And the two things differs are:

1. The setup of the FBO textures requires information from the Oculus SDK. This 
is a bit problematic, since FBO texture setup happens inside 

2. The Oculus SDK requires you to disconnect and reconnect the texture handle 
attached to the FBO each frame. This is due to the fact that Oculus direct mode 
uses DirectX to function and without disconnecting the texture handle at the 
end of each frame we would bind a framebuffer with an invalid attachment 
because the texture ID associated with had been unlocked by GL-DX interop.

These two problems currently blocks my integration with the Oculus SDK. I have 
spent way to many hours to try to find solutions how to work around these 

The second problem could probably be solved by using Pre- and Post camera 
callbacks running the required commands.

But I have no good ideas how to solve the first issue. Subclassing 
osg::RenderStage and overloading the runCameraSetUp() functions seems like a 
really bad idea.

So if anyone have any pointers or ideas?

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