
So I've been tasked to add UWP/Angle support to OSG working with Chris Hanson. 
I have it pretty much working, it's rendering a cube, and just wanted a little 
guidance on a few issues before I submit any changes.

So firstly to the main CMakeLists.txt file I've added a OSG_BUILD_PLATFORM_UWP 
flag, this only does one thing on the CMake side. It adds a preprocessor define 
to all targets 'OSG_UWP' this is used in the code to hash def out a few 
unsupported features.

Also in the osgViewer CMake I have added support to Win32 path to set the 
Window System type, it defaults to Win32 which will behave as usual and any 
other value just doesn't add the Win32 graphics window implementation files. 
Maybe later we could add an EGL implementation but for now we just don't want 
the Win32 version and then we use setupViewerAsEmbedded.

I've hash defed out the plugin loading code on Win32 for now and have built osg 
as static as it uses a few functions not available on UWP, however later we 
could get that working I think as I've got GLExtensions code to work with a 
different function for loading the dll module.

OpenThreads had a few functions not available but none of them are show 
stoppers. The micoSleep function used some stuff not available so I made it 
fall back on standard sleep just as older windows versions do. You can't set 
process affinity on UWP so that function call does nothing, and you can't force 
terminate a thread, but you can cancel them so the fail safe terminate is just 

The real issue at the moment is the use of getenv. That's used in a lot of 
places and is a handy bit of code for config type stuff so I didn't really want 
to add hash defs all over the place where ever it's used. So for now I made a 
dummy implementation that just returns 0, but the only place I could find to 
put it that is included globally was in the Notify header which is far from 
ideal. Does anyone have any thoughts or feedback on where I could place a dummy 
function like that that kind of needs to be used anywhere without people having 
to add a new include?

Here's an example CMake command that will generate a UWP visual studio project

"C:/Program Files/CMake/bin/cmake.exe" ./ -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" 
-DOPENGL_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH="C:/Work/AlphaPixel/osgUWP-Port/angle/include" ^
-DOPENGL_HEADER1:STRING="#include <GLES2/gl2.h>" ^
-DEGL_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH="C:/Work/AlphaPixel/osgUWP-Port/angle/include" ^

Once I have a solution to this getenv thing and done some more testing I'll 
look at doing a pull request.


It's currently in a private repo

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