I have an issue I have some nodes with day, night , dusk flags set. I need this 
data for time of day control, as nodes set for night time have emissive 
properties, that do not work for day time, and the converse is true, and even 
worse is if both are active at the same time. I traced down into the plugin 
where the is read:

class Object : public PrimaryRecord .....    
  if (document.getReadObjectRecordData())
            osgSim::ObjectRecordData* ord = new osgSim::ObjectRecordData;
            ord->_flags = in.readUInt32();
            ord->_relativePriority = in.readInt16();
            ord->_transparency = in.readUInt16();
            ord->_effectID1 = in.readInt16();
            ord->_effectID2 = in.readInt16();
            ord->_significance = in.readInt16();

            _object->setUserData( ord );
            /*uint32 flags =*/ in.readUInt32();

        // Postpone add-to-parent until we know a bit more.

Tracing through the code, the user data block is never added to a node, the 
object goes out of scope and the data is lost.

I strongly suspect this section of code was never finished, and I will have to 
finish writing it myself. That being said A: is this true? B: if I do have to 
finish is there a place to start? I think my output data is in version 15.0, I 
can have the data exported from our tools in something newer. [/code]

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