Hi Max,

I'm afraid the original author of osgManipulator has moved company, where
he developed it, over a decade ago so to know exactly how to use it we all
just have to look at the code an figure it out.  I haven't personally use
osgManipulator in the way you are wanting to use it so can't provide any
guidance myself.

The only public example I'm familiar with is


On Thu, 25 Oct 2018 at 15:50, Max Power <daniel.lehman...@hotmail.com>

> Hi,
> I'm quite new to OpenSceneGraph. I actually just finished to read the book
> "OpenSceneGraph 3.0 Beginner's Guide" and now I want to go a bit further.
> Currently, I try to move objects via the mouse. I already saw, that I can
> use the class osgManipulator::Dragger for this. Here I wrote my own
> CompositeDragger, which is basically a combination of a
> RotateCylinderDragger and a Translate1DDrager. This means I can move the
> object forwards and backwards and I can rotate it via mouse. I already got
> this working.
> However, I don't want to translate the object infinitely forwards or
> backwards. I just want to translate it e.g. 10 units back or 5 units
> forward at max. Or I want to translate it only within a certain area of the
> world coordinate system.
> How could I do this? I assume the osgManipulator::Contraint is helpful
> here. However, I haven't found any examples and I don't know how to apply
> it.
> I hope this wasn't asked before. At least I couldn't find anything
> similar. Are there any examples somewhere online, which you can recommend
> to look at?
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Max
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=75125#75125
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