AnyOldName3 wrote:
> Hi,
> The name texUnit0 comes from the shader, which you're providing. The texture 
> unit index (which my example snippet sets to 0) comes from your scene graph, 
> which you said came from osgOcean, and will almost certainly be 0 for a 
> diffuse map. If I was trying to check that, I'd run the application through 
> APITrace and see which units have textures bound to them during the draw 
> calls for the meshes I'm interested in, but that might not be the simplest 
> approach.
> Cheers,
> Chris

Chris, I've achieved an improvement, using your approach.

I've looking for a variable on osgocean and find uTextureMap.

But, some textures on the model wasn't loaded yet. It isn't correct yet but is 
a little step forward. Thanks a lot.

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