Hi Manu,

- The compilation went fine, osgstaticviewer was created,
- First I noticed the function graphicwindow_X11 was commented in
- This function also had an empty body in GraphicWindowX11.cpp, I simply
added something like

Did you need to do anything in this function body,  I didn't add
anything because the X11WindowSystemInterface was registering itself

And this worked for me... I tryed to start osgstaticviewer multiple times
with an .ive file and had no particular error...

Good to hear it worked.

if i can make a small suggestion by the way: wouldn't it be more logical to
simply have a "graphicwindow()" function (and a more friendly function name
or a MACRO could be even better...) rather than "graphicwindow_X11()" --> we
could then define this same function in GraphicWindowX11.cpp,
GraphicWindowWin32.cpp, etc... as only a single .o file is linked there
should be no conflict no ? and we would hide implementation details for this
default windowing system to the users... (they would not have to change the
function they call depending on the platform used...).

Potentially we could have more than one GraphicsWindow* implementation
on a single platfom, this is currently supported, but its technically
possible and something I had in mind when I designed osgViewer.  In
this instance we need to be explict.

For the time being I guess we could just go for the one function entry
point.  A macro could hide this too.

Any way, concerning your sudden pointer reset, I've trully never seen this
and have now clue either.... (try a linux reboot  maybe :-D )...

Reboot linux to try an fix a problem?  You've obviously been too near
a Windows machine recently.

My guess is that their is a double initialization of the static for some reason.

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