On 6/1/07, Emmanuel Roche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi again Robert,

concerning the self registering of the X11WindowingSystemInterface: no, if I
remove the stuff I added it's not working anymore... And I don't see how it
could work ? we are just calling an empty function in this case...

how do you know the "X11WindowSystemInterface was registering itself anyway"
??... it seems quite impossible to me with the sources on the SVN... :-(

I know because I added debug messages to the constructor of
X11WindowSystemInterface, the proxy in GraphicsWindowX11.cpp was doing
the registeration automatically as it does when you link to the
osgViewer.so, but it then was being screwed over by the static pointer
reset somehow - I've got the debug message record showing the pointer
set to the object in question, then changing back to zero without it
ever being set programmaticaly.

What is probably happening at your end is that the proxy was
registering the X11WidowSystemInterface, then the static pointer was
re-initialized, then your version of graphhicswindow_x11() function
was registering X11WindowSystemInterface.

Perhaps the solution is not to compile the proxy in static build, just
rely upon the function to it.

Curious the ive plugin is working and their is a proxy involved there
too.   This suggests to be that the static Registry pointer is already
initialized in that case.  Its seems to be a fluke though...

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