Hi Mr. Robert,
      I understand your plausibility of time, but at least can you indicate if 
the reduction in frame rate to 1fps when rendering to an image expected.

Robert Osfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Hi Harash,

I'm afraid I can't walk you through this, I have time to point you in
the direction but no more than this.


On 7/3/07, Harash Sharma wrote:
> Hi Mr. Robert.
> Thanks for the guidance on this issue. I have gone through the
> osgDistortion example and was able to render the monochrome image. But my
> requirement to process the captured image remained as it is. What I tried
> was:
> 1. Two Cameras were created -- one that renders the scene to a texture, and
> a second one that renders the texture on to the screen.
> But in this case, the accessibility to the image was not available. Next
> I attached an image object to the rendering camera. This image was set as
> the texture image and used by the second camera to render the processed
> image on to the screen. Camera->setPostDrawCallback was used to grab the
> image at every frame. When I did this, to my amazement, the framerate
> dropped from around 70 fps to 1 fps.
> I don't know if what I am doing is proper. If so, then is this drop in
> framerate expected. I am using 1024x1024 image size and to test I have
> applied no processing at all.
> Further, I am using a osgViewer::CompositeViewer. In this I want to have 2
> views -- one that renders the usual colored scene while the other one that
> displays the processed monochrome scene. I am able to create the two views,
> but would like to take your guidance as to how to dynamically make one of
> them active while disabling the other one.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards
> Harash
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