
As an experiment we built 20 GB from 500 m Blue Marble and 1 km dem + high res inserts from 1m res for some US county. Took 2-3 days on Intel Core duo 6600 + 4GB RAM + 2 disk raid + 64 bit Windows Vista.

You mentioned normal maps and clouds ? Does standard osgdem/vpb produce them or you had modified it ? I saw support for cloud/shadow textures in Terrain node kit but was not sure how to generate this.

And second question if this is not a secret. Where did you get hi res earth cloud coverage and normal maps. I suppose normal maps may be produced from DEMs but cloud maps ?

Wojtek Lewandowski

----- Original Message ----- From: "Rémy Deslignes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "osg users" <osg-users@openscenegraph.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 11:17 AM
Subject: [osg-users] OSGDEM ( kind of ) contest

Hi ,

I would just like to launch a little OSGDEM contest ...
What is the biggest dataset you have processed with OSGDEM  ?

Up to now, I have processed the BlueMarble dataset  :

* 86400x43200 color
+ 21600x10800 geometry
+ 86400x43200 normal map
+ 32768x16184 clouds
Which took approx 24 hours to process and produced 40 GB final data

I guess of course , that I don't have the biggest dataset around ...but my obvious and evilly intent is to evaluate the potentials risks of processing a very big dataset , because I would like to process an approx 2.6Gpix * 1.3 Gpix dataset.
I would then get a 4 TB dataset ... and 13 levels .
Do you guys think this is feasible ? Shall the process time increase exponentially ?
Do you have experience with such data ?

Thanks for your experiences

Remy Deslignes

Ingenieur Developement / Software Engineer
Tel: +33 (0)

Silicon Worlds S.A.
224, rue Saint Denis
75002 Paris  France
Tel: +33 (0)
Fax: +33 (0)

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