Hi David,

The crash is likely down to memory requirements that I outlined
earlier.  General feedback is  that Linux is able to get further with
the Windows equivalent build on the same machine.  The OSG code doing
the build is identical across platforms so its likely just an issue of
how well an OS manages virtual memory.

Once the revamp of VirtualPlanetBuilder is done even WindowsXP should
be able to cope with big datasets.  It still be slower than equivalent
Linux as the file system and multi-thread efficiency is pretty poor
under XP.


On 7/10/07, Riepl, David M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,
        I can't compete (yet!). I do 2-D and 3-D maps here using OSGDEM 
(currently with OSG1.2 on WinXP desktop).  But my builds usually end up with a 
crash.  Frustrating.  The 2-D maps (GEOTIFF imagery) almost always works fine.  
The biggest 2-D map I've ever really done is 32 geocells of 10m imagery (41k 
files, 7.5GB output, .ive format, total of 10 LODs).  I've tried much larger 
(125 geocells with 10m imagery), but they inevitably crash after about 6 LODs 
which is not very close to the end.
        I am frequently asked to build 3-D maps (combining imagery and 
elevation) too, but I never have much success.  OSGDEM appears to be chugging 
along fine and then it will have 1 hiccup reading in a TIFF and then the whole 
thing is shot to heck.  The errors seem so obscure to me.  Don't know if these 
are memory problems or what?
        Recently someone asked me to build the whole US with 100m for 2/3 of 
the US, 10m imagery in the other 1/3 and throw in a couple of 5m insets along 
with DTED 1.  Does anyone think this even sounds possible?
        Anyone have any pointers or advice for success they want to share?

David Riepl
Visualization IG\DB Team
>Training Systems & Services

-----Original Message-----
From: Wojciech Lewandowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 7:29 AM
To: osg users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] OSGDEM ( kind of ) contest


As an experiment we built 20 GB from 500 m Blue Marble and 1 km dem + high res 
inserts from 1m res for some US county. Took 2-3 days on Intel Core duo 6600 + 
4GB RAM + 2 disk raid + 64 bit Windows Vista.

You mentioned normal maps and clouds ? Does standard osgdem/vpb produce them or 
you had modified it ? I saw support for cloud/shadow textures in Terrain node 
kit but was not sure how to generate this.

And second question if this is not a secret. Where did you get hi res earth 
cloud coverage and normal maps. I suppose normal maps may be produced from DEMs 
but cloud maps ?

Wojtek Lewandowski

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rémy Deslignes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "osg users" <osg-users@openscenegraph.net>
Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2007 11:17 AM
Subject: [osg-users] OSGDEM ( kind of ) contest

> Hi ,
> I would just like to launch a little OSGDEM contest ...
> What is the biggest dataset you have processed with OSGDEM  ?
> Up to now, I have processed the BlueMarble dataset  :
> * 86400x43200 color
> + 21600x10800 geometry
> + 86400x43200 normal map
> + 32768x16184 clouds
> Which took approx 24 hours to process and produced 40 GB final data
> I guess of course , that I don't have the biggest dataset around ...but my
> obvious and evilly intent is to evaluate the potentials risks of
> processing a very big dataset , because I would like to process an  approx
> 2.6Gpix * 1.3 Gpix dataset.
> I would then get a 4 TB dataset ... and 13 levels .
> Do you guys think this is feasible ? Shall the process time increase
> exponentially ?
> Do you have experience with such data ?
> Thanks for your experiences
> --
> Remy Deslignes
> Ingenieur Developement / Software Engineer
> Tel: +33 (0)
> ===========================================
> Silicon Worlds S.A.
> 224, rue Saint Denis
> 75002 Paris  France
> Tel: +33 (0)
> Fax: +33 (0)
> http://www.silicon-worlds.fr
> ===========================================
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