Actually, after looking at the list of who makes up the main OSGi Alliance,
I'm not surprised. I am surprised, however, that Apache is not part of the
OSGi Alliance despite hosting like half of the open source OSGi projects
out there.

On 6 April 2017 at 16:25, Matt Sicker <> wrote:

> I'm honestly surprised that there was no collaboration between SLF4J or
> Log4j about this considering most implementations of the service will end
> up delegating to Log4j2 or Logback most likely (see pax-logging for
> example).
> On 6 April 2017 at 13:58, BJ Hargrave <> wrote:
>> It is indeed a service. The spec writing for these changes are not in the
>> draft spec so you can see
>> /blob/master/rfcs/rfc0219/rfc-0219-LogService-Update.pdf for some more
>> detail/background on the change.
>> Also see which holds an slf4j binding
>> to the new Log Service.
>> --
>> BJ Hargrave
>> Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM // office: +1 386 848 1781
>> <(386)%20848-1781>
>> OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance // mobile: +1 386 848 3788
>> <(386)%20848-3788>
>> ----- Original message -----
>> From: Matt Sicker <>
>> Sent by:
>> To: OSGi Developer Mail List <>
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] Log Service Specification Version 1.4 doubt
>> Date: Thu, Apr 6, 2017 2:11 PM
>> As long as LoggerFactory is a service and not a static singleton like in
>> SLF4J and Log4j2, then the API makes sense in an OSGi context. If it's yet
>> another static factory, then I'd promote the use of Log4j2 instead as we
>> don't need yet another logging facade.
>> On 6 April 2017 at 12:27, Cristiano Gavião <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I was reading today the early draft of compendium 7.0.0.
>> I saw two interfaces that caught my attention: LoggerFactory and Logger.
>> could someone explain me the idea behind them? why not
>> importing/extending interfaces from org.slf4j.api instead?
>> If I understood it right, LoggerFactory is aimed to be used as a
>> service, but I wondering, it would be possible to obtain a Logger from
>> the factory statically as well as we do when using sfl4j/logback on
>> non-service classes?
>> thanks,
>> Cristiano
>> _______________________________________________
>> OSGi Developer Mail List
>> --
>> Matt Sicker <>
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>> OSGi Developer Mail List
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>> OSGi Developer Mail List
> --
> Matt Sicker <>

Matt Sicker <>
OSGi Developer Mail List

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