Thanks, fixed it. You can actually drag the URL on the ‘Local’ repository in 
the Repository view in Bndtools, slightly easier.

Kind regards,

        Peter Kriens

> On 14 Apr 2017, at 08:43, Lothar Kluge <> wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> i found a Problem in the Tutorial.
> The OSGi enRoute distro does not contain the Zookeeper discovery bundle. 
> We need to add this from Maven Central. 
> Look for org.amdatu.remote.discovery.zookeeper and copy the <dependency> 
> element to the cnf/central.xml file.
> the Problem
> org.amdatu.remote.discovery.zookeeper 
> i can not find the in Maven Central
> Solution
> Download the org.amdatu.remote.discovery.zookeeper.jar File from
> <>
> After the download open the Eclipse Bndtools view.
> Extend in cnf  Project the local folder.
> Drag the Download File in this local Folder.
> After Refresh the cnf Project you get a Result in Search Query from 
> Repositories.
> Kind Regards
> Lothar Kluge
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