
The only bndrun file I have used is the one from the 
‘osgi.enroute.examples.rest.application’ project from 
https://github.com/osgi/osgi.enroute.examples without changing any code, and 
then I manually extracted the bundles to put them in a clean Felix instance.

I can send the ZIP containing the examples I used, and I can create a ZIP with 
the end result of the Felix Instance, but I do not see nor do I know how to 
make a bndrun file replicating the manual steps I did (as described in my 
previous email) in order to ease your work in helping me.

Please let me know what would be useful to you so I can help you in helping me.
Best Regards,

From: osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org [mailto:osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org] On 
Behalf Of Peter Kriens
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2017 11:04 AM
To: OSGi Developer Mail List <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org>
Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] RHelp needed about Web Application with AngularJS

Well, there are million of tutorials about Git(hub). It really is hard for me 
to try to retrace your steps and be sure I end up in the same place.

I am more than willing to help but I will not to be able to quickly recreate 
the exact environment you’ve created.

And anyway, wouldn’t it be easier to create a bndrun file with this setup?

Kind regards,

            Peter Kriens

On 22 Mar 2017, at 12:24, HENRY Cedric D 
<cedric.d.he...@alstom.com<mailto:cedric.d.he...@alstom.com>> wrote:

I am not very familiar (yet) with Github nor with bndtools workspace.

Still,  related to what I mentioned in my initial email, my steps were as 
1.       Downloaded https://github.com/osgi/osgi.enroute.examples (as ZIP and 
extracted it locally)
2.       Follow prerequisites from 
a.       Java 8
b.       Eclipse Mars
c.       Bndtools installation (using URL 
http://dl.bintray.com/bndtools/bndtools/latest as HTTPS failing)
d.       Installed Git for windows
3.       Imported the download at step 1 in Eclipse
4.       Followed steps from http://enroute.osgi.org/qs/300-application.html,on 
the osgi.enroute.examples.rest.application project:
a.       Double-click the ‘osgi.enroute.examples.rest.bndrun’ file + Click 
‘Resolve’ then ‘Finish’
b.       Click ‘Run OSGi’/’Debug OSGi’ and check 
c.       Stopped the run/debug
d.       Click ‘Export’ and followed the wizard
5.       Extracted content of uber-JAR resulting from the ‘Export’ action 
(http://enroute.osgi.org/qs/300-application.html, ‘Creating an 
6.       Copied following extracted JAR files into ‘bundle’ directory of local 
Felix (v 5.6.2):
•         org.apache.felix.http.servlet-api-1.1.2.jar
•         org.apache.felix.log-1.0.1.jar
•         org.apache.felix.configadmin-1.8.8.jar
•         org.apache.felix.http.jetty-3.2.0.jar
•         org.apache.felix.scr-2.0.2.jar
•         osgi.enroute.examples.rest.application.jar
•         osgi.enroute.twitter.bootstrap.webresource-3.3.5.jar
•         osgi.enroute.configurer.simple.provider-2.0.0.jar
•         osgi.enroute.dtos.bndlib.provider-2.0.0.jar
•         osgi.enroute.executor.simple.provider-2.0.0.jar
•         osgi.enroute.google.angular.webresource-1.5.7.jar
•         osgi.enroute.logger.simple.provider-2.0.0.jar
•         osgi.enroute.rest.simple.provider-2.0.0.jar
•         osgi.enroute.stackexchange.pagedown.webresource-1.1.1.jar
•         osgi.enroute.web.simple.provider-2.0.0.jar
7.       Added the following Felix sub-projects into the ‘bundle’ directory:
c.       org.apache.felix.dependencymanager-4.4.0.jar from 
8.       Added the following OSGi bundles from Maven:
9.       In command prompt under the Felix Framework root directory, executed: 
java -jar bin\felix.jar
a.       Waited for Log message: INFO:oejs.ServerConnector:FelixStartLevel: 
Started ServerConnector
10.   Open http://localhost:<Felix 

Best Regards,

From: osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org<mailto:osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org> 
[mailto:osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org] On Behalf Of Peter Kriens
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 11:08 AM
To: OSGi Developer Mail List 
Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] RHelp needed about Web Application with AngularJS

Hmm, manifest looks ok. The fact that your bundle runs means Felix must have 
resolved this.

I vaguely recall that there was a bug in Felix wiring custom namespaces but 
that same vague recall says in my head it was fixed.

The easiest for me is if you create a Github bndtools workspace.

Kind regards,

            Peter Kriens

On 22 Mar 2017, at 08:18, HENRY Cedric D 
<cedric.d.he...@alstom.com<mailto:cedric.d.he...@alstom.com>> wrote:


I left the code downloaded from GIT as-is and followed the steps from the 
tutorial in order to see it working in full, which it did in when ran from 
Eclipse or when running the exported JAR.

As per angular the Require-Capability header, the osgi.enroute.examples.rest 
bundle has the following (see manifest attached) amongst others:

If it helps with the investigation, I can archive the Felix instance included 
all the bundles and sent it over.

Best Regards,

From: osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org<mailto:osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org> 
[mailto:osgi-dev-boun...@mail.osgi.org] On Behalf Of Peter Kriens
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2017 7:10 PM
To: OSGi Developer Mail List 
Subject: Re: [osgi-dev] RHelp needed about Web Application with AngularJS

Your GUI bundle must require the angular code and the bootstrap code. Since you 
can see the CSS this seems to work fine for Twitter but not angular.

* Did you remove or change the RequireAngular annotation from the application 
* Verify that your osgi.enroute.rest.application bundle requires angular in the 
header (Require-Capability header)

Otherwise make a Github repo with the project and I can take a look. Kind 

            Peter Kriens

On 21 Mar 2017, at 18:01, HENRY Cedric D 
<cedric.d.he...@alstom.com<mailto:cedric.d.he...@alstom.com>> wrote:


I have followed the tutorial 
 using the examples available on GIT without any problem.

Then, I have extracted the content of the JAR generated at the end of the page 
 to use it content with a clean instance of Felix (v 5.6.2, configured to have 
on port 8889).
The intent is to better the dependencies required in order to create a Web 
application (with AngularJS) using OSGi in order to create a similar 
application using Maven on Intellij IDEA.

The Problem is as below:

After some struggle, I have succeeded to have all bundles active, but the web 
application does not work as when ran from Eclipse.
NOTE that none of the org.eclipse.* bundles got used.

 only the content of the index.html file is rendered as-is:

Looking into the Source View, I have followed the CSS link and the JS link:
 returns the CSS content
 returns HTTP ERROR: 404
Note that 
 is working fine.

I am puzzled about the fact that the CSS file content is returned, but not the 
JS file content event though they are under the same directory within the 
osgi.enroute.examples.rest.application bundle, and I would appreciate some help 
in solving and understand the cause of this problem.

Here is a snapshot of all the bundles under ‘bundle’ directory used by Felix:

Best Regards,

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