
Thank you again for all the great tips in this thread. I have taken the time to 
review concurrency, reread all the blogs, articles, and email messages in 
detail, and I have done a fairly thorough review of all my code. I have 
identified a lot of places where there was potential for concurrency errors, 
and I made a lot of simplifications (mostly by eliminating any clever use of 
concurrency or synchronization when it wasn’t really providing any tangible 
benefit, and only introducing risk). I also reviewed again the DS lifecycle, as 
well as Trackers. I am pretty confident that my understanding of the concurrent 
issues, and consequently my system, are now in good shape. I think I can handle 
the dynamics now in a robust way (though I still don’t know how to test for it 
to confirm).

However, I am experiencing one problem on startup still that baffles me.

Take this component:

        factory = ...,
        configurationPid = ...,
        configurationPolicy = ConfigurationPolicy.REQUIRE)
public class D
    implements Descriptor
    @Reference( scope = ReferenceScope.PROTOTYPE_REQUIRED )
    private WriterFactory.JsonWriterFactory factory;

    void activate( Configuration.Config config )


There is really nothing more to the component that this. One static reference 
(which is satisfied), and a required config (which is available).

The factory basically looks like this (called from a different component that 
instantiates this tracker):

public class ComponentFactoryTracker
    extends ServiceTracker<ComponentFactory, ComponentInstance>
    public ConfinementAwareComponentFactoryTracker( BundleContext context, 
Filter filter )
        super( context, filter, null );

    public ComponentInstance addingService( ServiceReference<ComponentFactory> 
reference )
        final ComponentFactory cf = context.getService( reference );
        final Dictionary<String, Object> properties = new Hashtable<>();
        properties.put( ... );
        final ComponentInstance instance = cf.newInstance( properties );
        return instance;

    public void removedService( ServiceReference<ComponentFactory> reference, 
ComponentInstance instance )
        context.ungetService( reference );

Fairly simple.

The system starts up, and the D component (and others like it) also starts. 
Then bouncing happens. When things finally settle down after one bounce, D (and 
others like it) gets deactivated. This is where I start pulling my hair out. 
**Why** does it get deactivated???

 —> The one and only static reference is available. Check.

 —> The configuration is available. Check.

 —> The  ComponentFactory services are enabled. Check.

However, despite all the prerequisites being available, D (and others) are 
getting deactivated. I even created an immediate service that references D (and 
others) to ensure that somebody was calling it. Nothing. Nada. All that I can 
validate is that as D (and others) get deactivated, they are unbound from this 
test service.

If I restart any bundle that causes D to refresh, then the state of the system 
comes up correctly. It is only upon initial startup that this problem occurs.

If I try injecting some service that potentially changes startup order, 
sometimes it works, but I have not yet figured out the pattern. In any case, 
since the prerequisites for the service are available, I don’t see why on Earth 
that should matter, anyway. Unless maybe there is a bug in SCR for some edge 
case (felix version 2.0.2).

I am at a loss...


> On Jul 14, 2018, at 4:05, David Leangen via osgi-dev <osgi-dev@mail.osgi.org> 
> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
>>> What is a good way to test for robustness against this phenomenon?
>> Again, I wish to go on record as saying that bouncing does not mean that 
>> anything is wrong, nor is it intrinsically bad.
> Thanks. Understood. I did not mean to imply anything about “goodness” or 
> “badness”, but it is good to have that on record.
> So, my question was: knowing that this happens, is there a good way to test 
> against it? My understanding is that currently there is not.
> Cheers,
> =David
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