Dear Birgitt,

your two sentences:

"My perspective: following the principles of OST, spirit shows up in the moment, inspiring people to post exactly the topics that need to be posted at that moment in time. This dynamic is altered when relying on anyone to pre-post topics, or to set meta-topics, catering to limitation rather than abundance of possibilities."

had some memories come up.

In at least three of the ost events I was involved in it turned out that the sponsors prepared a set of "issuse" they felt should be part of the event before the event... in case nobody would post them. To the surprises of the sponsors all their issues were posted by the participants. In addition, they themselves experienced that other issues entered their mind during the process that they then posted. In many other ost events sponors were very surprised about the broad passion, interest, creativity, etc. and most of all selforganisation that manifested...

For what actually happens when ost is part of the everyday life of an organisation over a number of years with a special focus on the vast system of that enterprise have a look here

in English, French, Polish, Spanish and Chinese ... translated from the German Original by ost-colleagues all of you know

Cheers from Berlin

Am 17.11.2021 um 21:32 schrieb Birgitt Williams via OSList:
Jeff...thanks for sharing the article and for the discussion that emanated from the question you posed to the OS list. I have enjoyed the responses and look forward to more conversation showing up. You have added more great questions.

You asked:Do we assume that the passion and responsibility of a gathered group will create the requisite variety of topics/contexts to generate excellent Warm Data from a theme question, and foster these unseen transcontextual sources of systems changing creativity?

Or does the sponsor need to think up and post the outlying topics/contexts to invite that fruitful variety?

What are the upsides and downsides of having a passionate advocate post and host each topic of conversation? What topics don't get posted, and does that limit the potential and health of the system?

My perspective: following the principles of OST, spirit shows up in the moment, inspiring people to post exactly the topics that need to be posted at that moment in time. This dynamic is altered when relying on anyone to pre-post topics, or to set meta-topics, catering to limitation rather than abundance of possibilities.

Peggy...I am intrigued by your sentences "Sometimes more and different words can help. More often, it takes an embodied experience." I would like to understand more. My current understanding is that it is not the words used that are most likely to help, rather the embodied experience. Is this what you mean?

in genuine contact,


*Birgitt Williams*
*Senior consultant-author-mentor to leaders and consultants *
*Specialist in organizational and systemic transformation, leadership development, and the power of nourishing  a culture of leadership.* <>

>> Learn More & Register <> for any of our upcoming workshops here.

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On Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 7:31 AM Jeff Aitken via OSList < <>> wrote:

    Now I am considering whether there is a (hopefully) funny joke
    lurking here somewhere.

    The facilitator asked the sponsor, "do you want a book of
    proceedings created from your event?" And the sponsor said "no, I'm
    going for the aphanipoesis, but thanks."

    But seriously folks, do we assume that the passion and
    responsibility of a gathered group will create the requisite variety
    of topics/contexts to generate excellent Warm Data from a theme
    question, and foster these unseen transcontextual sources of systems
    changing creativity?

    Or does the sponsor need to think up and post the outlying
    topics/contexts to invite that fruitful variety?

    What are the upsides and downsides of having a passionate advocate
    post and host each topic of conversation? What topics don't get
    posted, and does that limit the potential and health of the system?

    What can the OST methodology teach the WDL methodology, and vice versa?

    Early morning questions,

    On Tue, Nov 16, 2021, 5:45 PM Peggy Holman via OSList
    <>> wrote:

         From what I can glean in Bateson’s article and what I have
        heard about Warm Data, what happens does sound parallel to what
        occurs when people meet in Open Space.

        I find her writing frustrating. But when one is attempting to
        give language to new ideas, it’s rough. The effort falls into a
        pattern she discusses: our tendency to want to relate to the
        ideas through habitual lenses. Sometimes more and different
        words can help. More often, it takes an embodied experience.
        Perhaps a Warm Data Lab?

        I find her insight that we need a word for life coalescing
        towards vitality in unseen ways intriguing. By naming it, I hope
        it will become more seen. Sounds like something we want to
        notice and grow.

        Thanks for sending the article Jeff.

        Peggy Holman
        Journalism That Matters
        Bellevue, WA  98006
        206-948-0432 <> <>
        Twitter: @peggyholman
        JTM Twitter: @JTMStream

        Enjoy the award winning Engaging Emergence: Turning Upheaval
        into Opportunity <>

        On Nov 16, 2021, at 2:48 PM, Chris Corrigan via OSList
        <>> wrote:

        Thanks for sharing this Jeff. I have known about Nora's work
        for sometime and although I don't fully understand it yet I
        think what I do know of it, it's great.).

        WHy does she choose the words she chooses? I think because
        this is how she has come to an understanding about the simple
        truths that Warm Data works with. God know we have some pretty
        funny language amongst us all to explain things like "let
        people look after things they care about."  But, Jeff, the
        first piece you posted of hers makes a lot of sense to me and
        is a concise description of Warm Data process, and is very
        helpful to me having an "aha" about it.


        On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 1:37 PM Jeff Aitken via OSList
        <>> wrote:

            Also I note that Nora is still very early in the practice
            of a methodology that she invented (I think.)

            Maybe it's like the first five-ten years of OST as folks
            were figuring out what the hell this is all about... : )

            And from the lens of an artist and family therapy
            researcher whose father was Gregory Bateson. That makes
            sense to me...


            On Tue, Nov 16, 2021, 1:21 PM Jeff Aitken
            < <>>

                Hi Birgitt. My first guess is that it serves
                practitioners to be simple, while it serves systems
                scientists to be complicated or complex.

                They are writing about living systems at all scales
                and making very subtle distinctions.

                It may serve us practitioners to have some
                appreciation for the latter. "Your mileage may vary"
                tho, as a friend says!


                On Tue, Nov 16, 2021, 1:10 PM Birgitt Williams
                <>> wrote:

                    Jeff..I don't understand why it serves to be so
                    complicated? Why not simply refer to seen and unseen?


                    On Tue, Nov 16, 2021, 3:57 PM Jeff Aitken via
                    OSList <
                    <>> wrote:

                        One more email - I was amiss to mention this
                        new theory by Nora, without defining the word
                        she is introducing, and she finds occurring in
                        Warm Data Lab and I think is true in OST too.

                        It is "a way to describe a life giving
                        process, by which vitality, healing, and
                        creativity come into being by the coalescence
                        of multiple unseen factors."

                        "Aphanipoiesis combines two words from ancient
                        Greek to describe this way in which life
                        coalesces toward vitality in unseen ways.
                        (Aphanis comes from a Greek root meaning
                        obscured, unseen, unnoticed; poiesis is from
                        one meaning to bring forth, to make.)"

                        Yes it's an academic term, and is presented at
                        a systems science conference and in a journal

                        Useful for practitioners to think about and to
                        notice in our work? That's my question for the

                        It reminds me of Harrison's definition of
                        "peace" in The Practice of Peace. With an
                        emphasis on the unseen, internal, very subtle
                        shifts that take place that are NOT reflected
                        in proceedings and action plans.

                        Warmly, Jeff.


                        Bateson, N.,(2021). Aphanipoiesis. In Journal
                        of the International Society for the Systems
                        Sciences, Proceedings of the 64th Annual
                        Meeting of the ISSS, Virtual (Vol. 1, №1) —
                        under review.

                        This work was presented at the Annual
                        Biosemiotics Conference June 2021, the Annual
                        Conference of the International Society of
                        Systems Sciences July 2021, and the Annual
                        conference of the Institute of General
                        Semantics September 2021.

                        On Mon, Nov 15, 2021, 11:16 PM Jeff Aitken
                        <>> wrote:

                            As a refresher or quick intro to the
                            process, Warm Data Lab starts with a group
                            of folks and a theme question. But the
                            topics of conversation are chosen in
                            advance by sponsor and facilitator. Each
                            breakout table (or area) gets a topic
                            written on a sign: which names a context
                            from which to address the theme question.

                            So if the theme is drug abuse, the chosen
                            wide variety of contexts might be:
                            education, prisons, public health,
                            initiation, addiction, pharmaceuticals,
                            parenting, ceremony, etc. People go to the
                            breakouts of their choice and stay or move
                            as they wish. The law of mobility is used.
                            A closing circle might end the event after
                            some number of hours.

                            It has some qualities of OST and World
                            Cafe while being different.

                            I've only been in one WDL so other folks
                            might improve my description.


                            On Mon, Nov 15, 2021, 7:22 PM Jeff Aitken
                            <>> wrote:

                                Where does systemic change take place?
                                I am reflecting on earlier posts about
                                the Warm Data Lab and comparing -
                                contrasting this work with other
                                hosted conversation processes like OST.

                                What seems different - please correct
                                this if it's wrong - is the level of
                                attention paid to the complex ways in
                                which WDL might help bring about
                                change. Looking well beyond action
                                plans and carefully harvested
                                proceedings etc.

                                This may be a fruitful area of inquiry
                                for OST folks. (The subject line here
                                is from a reference in a book by Nora
                                Bateson's late father Gregory.)

                                Nora Bateson just shared a video and
                                long essay, coming out prior to her
                                essay being published soon in a
                                journal. She is introducing a new term
                                "aphanipoiesis" to the conversation of
                                systemic transformation.

                                The essay is here:

                                Some teaser paragraphs for us. Can
                                this also be said about OST, but we
                                just don't??

                                "Rewilding the Interior

                                In the words of the Warm Data hosting
                                theory, we tend the “about” so that
                                what is re-configured is in the
                                “within.” It does not really matter
                                what people talk “about” in a Warm
                                Data Lab. There is nothing to capture
                                at that level. What matters is the way
                                the participants are internally sewing
                                together the different conversations
                                and contexts. On a transcript this
                                information is inaccessible.

                                "In the Warm Data processes,
                                communication in explicit form is not
                                held to be the communication of
                                interest. That level of conversation
                                is there as a skeleton, onto which the
                                stories not told reshape the person
                                who did not tell them, the alterations
                                in tone, the re-tilted perception is
                                given free rein to rub memories and
                                stories against each other. One
                                comment that comes up repeatedly is,
                                “Your story changed my story.” Through
                                this “side-by-side-ing,” stories told
                                change stories almost told, and their
                                bearers are able to reshape their
                                impressions in ways that are untamed.
                                By careful tending of the “about” and
                                “within,” the rich world of memory and
                                story re-wilds.

                                "The gaps are where the hope of
                                systemic transformation is waiting. In
                                the Warm Data processes, participants
                                are given a structure to re-stitch, to
                                re-wild, to begin a new abductive
                                process into these gaps. Again, by
                                placing the contexts of life
                                side-by-side in new configurations,
                                the aphanipoietic processes are given
                                room, without conscious purpose or
                                goals or defined outcomes, without
                                scripts or roles or trends — to allow
                                the tender new beginnings of another
                                abductive description to form mutually.

                                "Through this work, I have found I
                                needed this term to embark on a deeper
                                study of the importance of
                                aphanipoiesis. The changes I witness
                                occurring in the Warm Data processes
                                are completely unpredictable and
                                profound. They suggest ever more
                                vividly that there is a real, if
                                unseen, mingling of the body, culture,
                                education, family — and a whole batch
                                of transcontextual experience that is
                                guiding all other actions. It is to
                                this change that I have devoted my
                                efforts toward systemic transformation."

                                Yelamu / San Francisco

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