On Sun, Apr 18, 2021 at 04:39:47AM -0700, damian....@gmail.com wrote:

On Sat, Apr 10, 2021 at 01:59:40AM -0700, damian....@gmail.com wrote:

>There is also second problem later on this road.
>[image: 2.jpg]
>I think that this lane has problem with tags:
>becuase the left turn ends and the lane should be over.

There is a tag problem with that segment.

It says this for number of lanes:


So the tags say two forward lanes.

But the turn tagging says:


So the "forward" turn lanes tag states there should be three forward

Note this statement in the "turn:lanes" wiki page:

If you use the ":lanes" suffix, the number of values specified
separated by vertical lines (|) must match the number of lanes
according to their direction.

First issue:
I forgot to add mappilary imagery or my own, but:
this intersection for me is also strange, because "go through" should be
"go right", but we have such sings and we can do nothing with them.

That sign is likely why the tags say "through" instead of "right". OSM attempts to accurately reflect what the local on the ground signage states, even if what the signage states is odd.

This would be a good example of why conulting with local mappers will be best.

Aerial imagery without cars:
[image: Francuska_Ceglana.png]
So you suggest to split the Francuska street at the intersection and have 2
seperate lanes at the end of Francuska.
Makes sense, but I am not an expert. I will contact the Polish community on
Osm Forum.

The sign shows three total lanes, one reverse, two forward. So at the point on the ground where there is room for three lanes, it could either be:

1) a single OSM way, labeled as three lanes, with turn tagging to match the signage.


2) split into two ways, one with two lanes (one each direction) and a single way for the "through" part of the sign (for the segment where there are really three lanes).

But in any case, checking with the local mapping community is best before doing anything.

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