Ron, have you thought about teaching?

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 7:50 PM, Ron Carson <> wrote:

> I  belive  that we must make a commitment to make occupation as the end.
> All  the  other  "stuff" are just tools. Unfortunately, having the right
> "tools" does not ensure that the "job" can get done.
> Just  because  someone has the strength, that doesn't mean they have the
> motivation.  Just  because  someone  has  strength  and motivation, that
> doesn't  mean they have coordination. Just because someone has strength,
> motivation  and  coordination,  that  doesn't  mean  they have the right
> environment.    Just   because   someone   has   strength,   motivation,
> coordination,  and  environment,  that  doesn't mean they have the right
> <fill in the blank>....
> The  ONLY  way  to  ensure patient's can engage in occupation is to make
> occupation the GOAL!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Diane Randall <>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009
> To: <>
> Subj: [OTlist] Just About To Give UP............
> DR> We have to make a commitment to see UE ther-ex as a means to an end.
> DR> Strength to transfer to a toilet independently-standing tolerance to
> DR> create  a  simple  meal  in  the kitchen from a recipe chosen by the
> DR> patient).  But  is  should  never  be  the  "only"  focus or we have
> DR> essentially  become  PT's..we all need to educate our patients about
> DR> what we do...and sadly other professionals around us.
> --
> Options?
> Archive?


Let it go and let it flow - me - I am only one, but still I am one.  I
cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do
something I can do. If I advance, follow me. If I stop, push me. If I fall,
inspire me.  He, who loses money; loses much; He, who loses a friend; loses
much more; He, who loses faith; loses all. If you can imagine it, you can
create it. If you can dream it, you can become it ( ;


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