Hi All,

I have this issue about OTRS Auto Increment Ticket after I add the
following code:

#create string
my $str = 'IM';

    # get current time
    my ( $Sec, $Min, $Hour, $Day, $Month, $Year ) =
        SystemTime => $Self->{TimeObject}->SystemTime(),

    # read count
    my $Count = 0;
    if ( -f $CounterLog ) {
        my $ContentSCALARRef = $Self->{MainObject}->FileRead(
            Location => $CounterLog,
        if ( $ContentSCALARRef && ${$ContentSCALARRef} ) {
            ($Count) = split( /;/, ${$ContentSCALARRef} );

            # just debug
            if ( $Self->{Debug} > 0 ) {
                    Priority => 'debug',
                    Message  => "Read counter from $CounterLog: $Count",

    # count auto increment ($Count++)
    $Count = $Count + $JumpCounter;

    # write new count
    my $Write = $Self->{MainObject}->FileWrite(
        Location => $CounterLog,
        Content  => \$Count,
    if ($Write) {
        if ( $Self->{Debug} > 0 ) {
                Priority => 'debug',
                Message  => "Write counter: $Count",

    # create new ticket number
    my $Tn = $str . $Year . $Month . $Day . $Count;

    # Check ticket number. If exists generate new one!
    if ( $Self->TicketCheckNumber( Tn => $Tn ) ) {
        if ( $Self->{LoopProtectionCounter} >= 16000 ) {

            # loop protection
                Priority => 'error',
                Message  => "CounterLoopProtection is now
                    . " Stopped TicketCreateNumber()!",

        # create new ticket number again
            Priority => 'notice',
            Message  => "Tn ($Tn) exists! Creating a new one.",
        $Tn = $Self->TicketCreateNumber( $Self->{LoopProtectionCounter} );
    return $Tn;

However, some results have shown that ticket numbers sometimes skipped such
as the following:

id tn
45478 IM2013090981835
45479 IM2013090981840
45480 IM2013090981841
45481 IM2013090981843
45482 IM2013090981844
45483 IM2013090981845

although the id seems to be in order, can anyone give me an insight on how
could this happen? I think it's related to the number of concurrent process
accessing CounterLog that led the application to confusion. Any Ideas to
solve this? or Has anyone experienced the same issue?



adhi wibowo
M: +62811102775
H: +62217238057
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