On 29/03/16 18:52, Nico Bouthoorn wrote:
> Update; i've copied module/owlib/src/c/ow_2408.c  file  from the 2.8p15 
> sources to the 3.1 version, recompiled  it again.
> It is working now....
Great pinpointing! I suspect the following change:


commit 85dd9650cea1dcd8f8582861c797f8dda7fa479c
Author: Paul Alfille <paul.alfi...@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Aug 5 20:15:09 2012 +0000

     Patch from Der Tiger for LCD screen buttons

Nico, can you try the following:
1. restore the 3.1 version of the file
2. Apply the above patch, in reverse.
If you are using a git checkout, you can do 'git revert -n 85dd96'
If you are using the 3.1p1 tarball, look at the above URL, and find the 
code lines added (+). Replace those with the lines removed (-).
3. Rebuild

If this does not help, please include expected vs actual behavior.

> Paul is maintainer of the code?,  i've not knowledge how to debug this 
> further.
I'd say the main one, but there are others as well. Unfortunately he has 
been unseen lately.
> Thanks,
> Nico
> Johan Ström wrote:
>> On 27/03/16 11:49, Nico Bouthoorn wrote:
>>> Hi Johan,
>>> I've setup nieuw beaglebone system, if i use the version 2.8  included in 
>>> de debian 7 repo the display works, the version 3.1 from the git don't. I'm 
>>> using now a DS9097U/ds2409 as interface, but no difference
>> There was a bunch of changes in the ds2409 (hub) handling between those
>> versions. Could you test without the ds2409?
>>>      owwrite  /1F.177102000000/aux/29.09C211000000/LCD_H/clear 1
>>> owwrite  /1F.177102000000/aux/29.09C211000000/LCD_H/screen aap
>> Is neither working (control nor writing)? I'm not entierly familiar with
>> the LCD interface of the DS2408, so a "expected" and "actual"
>> description would be helpful :)
>> But do test without the hub first, to rule that out.
>>> The debug what you asked for:
>>> https://fstab.nl/upload/owfs3.1_debug.out
>> Perfect!
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