Am 02.05.2016 um 21:43 schrieb Juliean Galak:
> Before I do that, what version of Raspbian are you running on the Pi1?  If
> it's anything earlier than Wheezy, the solution may not be applicable.
It runs the minimal Jessie image from Raspbian packaged at 2016-03-18.
That is, Linux-4.1.19.

But, important: it runs owserver-3.1p1 from *Stretch*. You have to
configure your repository list and policies as I wrote before.

> From what I've heard from others, the earlier kernel versions that run on
> the Pi1 didn't have any problems with w1 and owfs coexisting.
Linux-3.16rc1 and later require at least owserver-3.1p1. If your kernel
is older, you are fine with owserver-2.8. You can believe me because it
was me who finally imported the required patch which lingered somewhere
in the Raspberry forums, neatly hidden not to be found by us...

Kind regards


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