Well, connecting pin 2 and 3 didn't work.  The DS2438 appears dead too.
There also was a DS18B20 on the board which I desoldered and tested
separately, and it was dead.  So I think it's safe to assume that the
entire board is lost.

I'm not sure what happened.  There was a lightning strike causing some
damage to other parts of the weather station this summer (some parts
turned to ash), but this sensor was completely disconnected (and it
worked when I disconnected it in May).  Even disconnected, I guess there
still is a possibility that a nearby lightning strike can cause damage.
I've lost one of these sensors to lightning before, but then the whole
box had gone up in flames so there was no doubt what the cause was.


Steinar Midtskogen <stei...@latinitas.org> writes:

> Matthias Urlichs via Owfs-developers
>> This might be a stupid question, but I do wonder why that board would
>> need a DS2409 in the first place.
>> Do you have a circuit diagram?
>> I'd simply skip that chip. Just connect pads 2, 3 and 4.
> I don't have the circuit diagram, but I think you have a good point.  I
> only need to access the DS2438Z whih is on the main channel, so
> connecting pin 2 and 3 should suffice.  (I haven't yet tested whether
> the DS2438Z is working, though, and that one might have to be replaced
> as well).  As far as I can tell, the only reasons why the board includes
> a DS2409 would be for grouping the installed sensors (temperature,
> humidity, solar), and to use pin 5 (CTRL) to light a led to indicate
> traffic.
> There is one catch, however, I use pin 5 as well to trigger the
> ultrasound sensor so that it only measures the distance when the DS2438Z
> is accessed.  I can work around this, however, by making triggering the
> ultrasound sensor continously.
> I have a partial diagram, just showing what I did with the LP-THS when I
> built the snowdepth sensor:
> http://voksenlia.net/met/snow.php

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