> On 6 Aug 2020, at 21:42, Mick Sulley <m...@sulley.info> wrote:
> I did change to persistent and I didn't see a difference.

Just a quick background. The persistent=True option is useful to shave a few 
milliseconds from each owserver query by not having to create and pull down a 
TCP socket and for limiting the number of sockets in the TIME_WAIT status, 
which usually is not a problem, but could be problematic for machines with 
limited memory. You can check the sockets in TIME_WAIT with the shell command 

ss -a '( dport 4304 or sport 4304 )'

> /settings/timeout/presence is what is causing it.  I had tried changing it 
> yesterday, via the httpd web page, but this time I checked it with owread and 
> that showed it still at 120, so I changed it to 20 with owwrite re-ran my 
> Python script and yes it slows every 20 seconds
> What is the purpose of /settings/timeout/presence?  The man page says 
> 'Seconds until the presence and bus location of a 1-wire device expires in 
> the cache.', but I don't really understand what it does.  Surely the presence 
> is confirmed by any read of the sensor.   

There is a message in the owserver protocol to check the presence of a sensor 

shell: owpresent XXX 
pyownet: owproxy.present(“XXX”)

I rarely use it but I assume that the reply to this query is cached, with a 
timeout of /settings/timeout/presence …
> I have just tried setting it to -1, that is invalid, I thought it may disable 
> it.  I set it to 0 and it is slow every time.  I have now set it to 9999999, 
> not sure what the limit would be.
> Comments?
> Mick
> On 06/08/2020 16:48, Martin Patzak wrote:
>> looks like you are getting close :-)
>> I checked, and the only timeout of owserver that matches 120 is 
>> /settings/timeout/presence
>> On 06.08.20 16:21, Mick Sulley wrote:
>>> Well this gets more curious.  I am now measuring the time for each read, 
>>> reading type, power and latesttemp.  Time for all is generally < 0.1 
>>> seconds, but then when I hit the slow loop the read for type is around 0.7 
>>> seconds, the others still < 0.1 seconds.  I don't really need type so I 
>>> removed it and re-tested, on slow loops the power read is around 0.7 
>>> seconds, latesttemp still < 0.1 seconds.  So I removed power as well, just 
>>> reading latesttemp, on slow loops that is now around 0.7 seconds.  So it 
>>> seems that at some point a sensor takes many times longer for its next 
>>> read, irrespective of which field is read.
>>> I have now tested with 19, 11 and 2 sensors and the slow loop occurs every 
>>> 120 seconds.  I am intrigued to know what causes this, any ideas?
>>> Thanks
>>> Mick
>>> On 06/08/2020 10:23, Mick Sulley wrote:
>>>> OK I will log read times and see what that shows.
>>>> You say 'I also log if the error of the 1wire bus changes.' how do you do 
>>>> that?
>>>> No I don't really need to read that fast, this is just a test setup to get 
>>>> a better understanding so I can hopefully fine tune my main system.
>>>> There should not be anything else running.  I just tried running top at 
>>>> the same time, I monitored it at the point of the slow scan and didn't see 
>>>> anything else significant.
>>>> Mick
>>>> On 06/08/2020 09:06, Martin Patzak wrote:
>>>>> It looks like your timing has improved after all!
>>>>> in your original Python-code you could time every read for each sensor.
>>>>> I have also powered sensors and a read is usually faster than 0.1 seconds.
>>>>> I log in a file if the read took longer than 0.3 seconds, which is almost 
>>>>> never the case.
>>>>> I also log in the file if the whole reading loop took longer than 3 
>>>>> seconds, which again is almost never the case.
>>>>> I also log if the error of the 1wire bus changes.
>>>>> I read 25 sensors every full and every half minute, so maybe you could 
>>>>> implement a delay as well and see if things get more consistent.
>>>>> Do you need to read so fast in a loop for you application?
>>>>> What else is running on your machine? You could run top in parallel to 
>>>>> your python loop.
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