OK I have installed it, I had to use sudo make install as it complained that it didn't have permission to created in /opt, but I think it is installed now, however....

pi@pi4B:~ $ owdir
-bash: owdir: command not found
pi@pi4B:~ $ /opt/owfs/bin/owserver --ver
/opt/owfs/bin/owserver version:
libow version:
pi@pi4B:~ $

Is 3.2p2 the correct version?  I thought it should be 3.2p4.

Also I cannot get owdir to work

pi@pi4B:~ $ owdir
-bash: owdir: command not found
pi@pi4B:~ $ /opt/owfs/bin/owdir
pi@pi4B:~ $

I have sensors connected and they were working, have I missed something?

I tried starting the service -

pi@pi4B:~ $ sudo systemctl start owserver
Failed to start owserver.service: Unit owserver.service is masked.
pi@pi4B:~ $ sudo service owserver start
Failed to start owserver.service: Unit owserver.service is masked.
pi@pi4B:~ $

On 16/08/2020 21:46, Martin Patzak wrote:
My CRC16 value goes only up by one for setting /simultanous/voltage to '1'
I only tested with setting this once and read the CRC16 back right away without delay.

Here is my personal notes for installing owfs from github - I hope it helps you - if you have the code you can of course skip the git-hub part In this notes I used some special parameters, which you do not have to use of course, but it illustrates that you have the ability to influence quite a number of things during configure

additionally, you should not run anything as sudo - especially not untested patches - so Stefano indicated how to circumvent this easily with setting a symlink (see last line)

get owfs

    git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/owfs/code owfs-code

then cd into owfs-code

    ./bootstrap        # an error appeared and I had to install packages
                    # ./bootstrap: 12: ./bootstrap: libtoolize: not found
                    # aclocal: not found
                    # pkg-config, libtool, automake

    ./configure --disable-swig --prefix=/home/mnm/owfs/ --program-suffix=_test85C --with-systemdsystemunitdir=/home/mnm/owfs/systemd


    make install

### no more running with sudo !!! ###
link owserver_<suffix> to dir /usr/bin so it can be found when executing it with sudo

    sudo ls -s /home/mnm/owfs/bin/owserver_<suffix /usr/bin/owserver_<suffix>

On 16.08.20 21:59, Mick Sulley wrote:

First, I noticed a typo in my mail, the CRC value increases by 8, not 1, when I set /simultaneous/voltage.  My code was setting /temperature then /voltage, I wondered if a delay between them may help, tried and it did not.  I also tried setting /voltage first then /temperature but it still increased CRC on /voltage.

Yes I do have a voltage device, a DS2437.  I only have one, so setting /simultaneous/voltage is probably not going to save any time, but it seemed the right way to do it.

I looked at issue 55, don't know if that is related on not. I am happy to test 3.2p4 but don't know how to do it.

If I download from https://sourceforge.net/projects/owfs/ I get 3.2p1 which is what I was running anyway.

I download the .zip from https://github.com/owfs/owfs unpacked into a new directory and tried to follow the instructions in INSTALL, this is what I got -

pi@pi4B:~/owfs/owfs-master $ ls
acinclude.m4    COPYING             Makefile.am RELEASE.md
AUTHORS         COPYING.LIB         man2md release.pl
autom4te.cache  debian              module             src
bootstrap       description-pak     NEWS               TODO
ChangeLog       Dockerfile.release  README.DEVELOPERS update_wiki_manpages
configure.ac    INSTALL             README.md
pi@pi4B:~/owfs/owfs-master $ ./configure
-bash: ./configure: No such file or directory
pi@pi4B:~/owfs/owfs-master $

I ran out of knowledge at this point.  If you can tell me how to install it I will test it out.



On 16/08/2020 17:29, Stefano Miccoli via Owfs-developers wrote:
The CRC16 error could be related to https://github.com/owfs/owfs/issues/55

The version on master is already patched, and will be released in 3.2p4. If possible check if the current version on master works as expected.


On 16 Aug 2020, at 18:22, Martin Patzak <martin.pat...@gmx.de <mailto:martin.pat...@gmx.de>> wrote:

I tested it and I can confirm that writing to /uncached/simultaneous/voltage increases the CRC16_error by one.

Mick, do you have voltage devices on your network? (I hope it is not a stupid question)
I don't have such devices, so I cannot test this further...


On 13.08.20 01:04, Mick Sulley wrote:

I have been doing some more testing and have a couple of issues.  My code sets simultaneous/temperature, waits a couple of seconds then reads latesttemp from each sensor.

 1. Reading latesttemp generally takes 0.07 seconds BUT every 120
    seconds every sensor takes 0.75 seconds for a single loop,
    then back to 0.07 seconds. (/settings/timeout/presence is set
    to 120)
 2. My understanding is that simultaneous/voltage works in the
    same way, however when I set it my CRC_errors increases by 8. 
    Why is this?



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