On 17/04/13 00:08, Tope Omitola wrote:
Hi Jeen

I;m trying to do similar for (a) creating a graph, (b) adding statements
to a graph, and (c) uploading an rdf file to a graph.

Are there similar ways to do these in OWLIM?

When you say "similar", I assume you mean doing direct HTTP requests to perform these actions?

In that case, the answer is yes. OWLIM supports the Sesame HTTP Protocol, which is an (extended) implementation of both SPARQL Protocol and SPARQL Graph Store Protocol. See http://openrdf.callimachus.net/sesame/2.7/docs/users.docbook?view#chapter-http-protocol for a full overview of the protocol.

Regarding your specific requests: creating a graph is not necessary in an OWLIM repository, as a new graph implicitly gets created when you insert statements into it (in the documentation, a graph is often called 'context').

As for adding statements or uploading a file, this can be done in several ways using a HTTP POST request, with either a SPARQL Update or the RDF document in question in the body of the request. See the sections on "Repository statements" and "Graph Store support" in the documentation for details.


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