Hi Jean-Luc,

Indeed the installation procedure of the JAR library that I gave you would need to be repeated for each new installed Oxygen version. Which is not very practical.

So I created an add-on for Oxygen which adds this extra library:


It has installation instructions there. The add-on can be installed in Oxygen no matter in what operating system it is running. Once you install an add-on, after you switch to a newer Oxygen version, the new Oxygen will ask you if you want to use the old installed add-ons. Even if you choose not to use the old add-ons you can install the add-on again in the new Oxygen version using the same simple procedure.


Radu Coravu
<oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 9/21/2017 11:03 AM, Jean-Luc Chevillard wrote:
Dear Radu,

now comes what we call in French "une question subsidiaire" :-)

Should I expect to have to do the same manipulation each time
Oxygen is upgraded to a new (major) version,
or to a new "build"?

Best wishes

-- Jean-Luc (in Pondy)



On 21/09/2017 10:52, Oxygen XML Editor Support (Radu Coravu) wrote:
Hi Jean-Luc,

No problem. I'm glad this works for you now.


Radu Coravu
<oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 9/21/2017 8:19 AM, Jean-Luc Chevillard wrote:

I have to apologize for sending an unnecessary request.

As pointed out just now by Thilak Bhaskaran,
who works in our EFEO research center,
the file "icu4j.jar"
DOES EXIST on the Windows laptop also.

It is located in
the "lib" directory
of the folder called "Oxygen XML Editor 19"

I have replaced it by "icu4j-59_1.jar"
and restarted Oxygen
and now the Tamil Alphabetical order
is perfectly obtained.

That is GREAT!

-- Jean-Luc (in Pondy)




Dear Radu,

this morning in Pondicherry
I have tried to locate the "icu4j.jar"
and was successful in the case of my UBUNTU laptop (running Ubuntu
but UNSUCCESSFUL  in the case of my Windows laptop (running Windows 7).

I am part of a research team where both types of computers are
and have to be conversant with both sides.

I usually run Oxygen on the Windows Laptop (where I have a bigger screen
and my version is
<oXygen/> XML Editor 19.0, build 2017042020

I occasionally run Oxygen on my Ubuntu laptop
and have not yet upgraded to Oxygen 18
and my version there is
<oXygen/> XML Editor 18.0, build 2016051118

Since I could not locate the "icu4j.jar" on the Windows laptop,
I could apply your solution ONLY on the Ubuntu laptop,

THANKS A LOT for your timely and efficient help.

All that remains for me to be happy is your telling me how to handle the
Windows 7 laptop.

As far as I can see,
inside the "Program Files" folder
there is a folder called "Oxygen XML Editor 19"
that folder contains a folder called ".install4j"
which contains several .jar files
but none is called "icu4j.jar"
and a SEARCH on the computer hard disk does not reveal anything

Thanks for giving me additional pointers

Of course, I could use the Ubuntu machine as my main machine ;-)
but I can't expect everyone else to also do that .... ;-)

Best wishes

-- Jean-Luc (in Pondy)



On 20/09/2017 18:14, Oxygen XML Editor Support (Radu Coravu) wrote:
Hi Jean-Luc,

I tried working a little bit with your samples on my side and I think
I managed to make this work.
In the Oxygen libraries directory "OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR\lib" there is a
JAR library called "icu4j.jar". It is an incomplete version of a
larger ICU4J library which can be downloaded from:


Once you have the "icu4j-59_1.jar", move the original "icu4j.jar" from
the Oxygen library folder to some other place and replace it with this
larger JAR library.

Also the xsl:sort in the XSLT worked only if I used this syntax:

<xsl:sort select="."

I do not know much about the values that the collation attribute
takes, but this was in one of the examples on the Saxonica
documentation page:



Radu Coravu
<oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 9/19/2017 5:15 PM, Jean-Luc Chevillard wrote:

The title of this message says it all:

Is Tamil among the languages for which a specific collation is
when using Oxygen?

I have to sort items in the Tamil alphabetical order,
but when I specify that « lang="ta" »
as a parameter in my sort command,
the order I obtain is the one which is based
on the Unicode codepoint collation,
which is not what one expects while sorting Tamil words

The same thing happens if I define
a parameter such as

<xsl:param name="sorting-collation"

and then use it in a sort command

<xsl:sort select="." collation="{$sorting-collation}"/>

To give a specific example
the following short list is extracted from a much longer list
which is part of an HTML file
created by applying an XSLT file
(containing SORT commands)
to an XML file

<li>அத்தத்தின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
<li>அனந்தன் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
<li>அனற்பொறியின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
<li>அனற்றிரளின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
<li>அனுடத்தின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
<li>அமரமாதர் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 2 items]</li>
<li>அரக்கர் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
<li>அருகன் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 43 items]</li>

HOWEVER, this is not the proper Tamil dictionnary order order, which
should be:

<li>அத்தத்தின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
<li>அமரமாதர் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 2 items]</li>
<li>அரக்கர் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
<li>அருகன் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 43 items]</li>
<li>அனந்தன் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
<li>அனற்பொறியின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
<li>அனற்றிரளின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
<li>அனுடத்தின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>

Any suggestions would be appreciated

-- Jean-Luc Chevillard (currently in Pondicherry, India)


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