Dear Radu,

         For us this is really a

great "initiative" (in Tamiḻ முயற்சி = Muyaṟci)

for processing.

Thank you,


Thilak .B

On Thu, Sep 21, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Oxygen XML Editor Support (Radu Coravu) <> wrote:

> Hi Jean-Luc,
> Indeed the installation procedure of the JAR library that I gave you would
> need to be repeated for each new installed Oxygen version. Which is not
> very practical.
> So I created an add-on for Oxygen which adds this extra library:
> It has installation instructions there. The add-on can be installed in
> Oxygen no matter in what operating system it is running.
> Once you install an add-on, after you switch to a newer Oxygen version,
> the new Oxygen will ask you if you want to use the old installed add-ons.
> Even if you choose not to use the old add-ons you can install the add-on
> again in the new Oxygen version using the same simple procedure.
> Regards,
> Radu
> Radu Coravu
> <oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
> On 9/21/2017 11:03 AM, Jean-Luc Chevillard wrote:
>> Dear Radu,
>> now comes what we call in French "une question subsidiaire" :-)
>> Should I expect to have to do the same manipulation each time
>> Oxygen is upgraded to a new (major) version,
>> or to a new "build"?
>> Best wishes
>> -- Jean-Luc (in Pondy)
>> On 21/09/2017 10:52, Oxygen XML Editor Support (Radu Coravu) wrote:
>>> Hi Jean-Luc,
>>> No problem. I'm glad this works for you now.
>>> Regards,
>>> Radu
>>> Radu Coravu
>>> <oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
>>> On 9/21/2017 8:19 AM, Jean-Luc Chevillard wrote:
>>>> I have to apologize for sending an unnecessary request.
>>>> As pointed out just now by Thilak Bhaskaran,
>>>> who works in our EFEO research center,
>>>> the file "icu4j.jar"
>>>> DOES EXIST on the Windows laptop also.
>>>> It is located in
>>>> the "lib" directory
>>>> of the folder called "Oxygen XML Editor 19"
>>>> I have replaced it by "icu4j-59_1.jar"
>>>> and restarted Oxygen
>>>> and now the Tamil Alphabetical order
>>>> is perfectly obtained.
>>>> That is GREAT!
>>>> -- Jean-Luc (in Pondy)
>>>> ##############################
>>>> Dear Radu,
>>>> this morning in Pondicherry
>>>> I have tried to locate the "icu4j.jar"
>>>> and was successful in the case of my UBUNTU laptop (running Ubuntu
>>>> 14.04)
>>>> but UNSUCCESSFUL  in the case of my Windows laptop (running Windows 7).
>>>> I am part of a research team where both types of computers are
>>>> represented
>>>> and have to be conversant with both sides.
>>>> I usually run Oxygen on the Windows Laptop (where I have a bigger screen
>>>> :-)
>>>> and my version is
>>>> <oXygen/> XML Editor 19.0, build 2017042020
>>>> I occasionally run Oxygen on my Ubuntu laptop
>>>> and have not yet upgraded to Oxygen 18
>>>> and my version there is
>>>> <oXygen/> XML Editor 18.0, build 2016051118
>>>> Since I could not locate the "icu4j.jar" on the Windows laptop,
>>>> I could apply your solution ONLY on the Ubuntu laptop,
>>>> THANKS A LOT for your timely and efficient help.
>>>> All that remains for me to be happy is your telling me how to handle the
>>>> Windows 7 laptop.
>>>> As far as I can see,
>>>> inside the "Program Files" folder
>>>> there is a folder called "Oxygen XML Editor 19"
>>>> that folder contains a folder called ".install4j"
>>>> which contains several .jar files
>>>> but none is called "icu4j.jar"
>>>> and a SEARCH on the computer hard disk does not reveal anything
>>>> Thanks for giving me additional pointers
>>>> Of course, I could use the Ubuntu machine as my main machine ;-)
>>>> but I can't expect everyone else to also do that .... ;-)
>>>> Best wishes
>>>> -- Jean-Luc (in Pondy)
>>>> On 20/09/2017 18:14, Oxygen XML Editor Support (Radu Coravu) wrote:
>>>>> Hi Jean-Luc,
>>>>> I tried working a little bit with your samples on my side and I think
>>>>> I managed to make this work.
>>>>> In the Oxygen libraries directory "OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR\lib" there is a
>>>>> JAR library called "icu4j.jar". It is an incomplete version of a
>>>>> larger ICU4J library which can be downloaded from:
>>>>> Once you have the "icu4j-59_1.jar", move the original "icu4j.jar" from
>>>>> the Oxygen library folder to some other place and replace it with this
>>>>> larger JAR library.
>>>>> Also the xsl:sort in the XSLT worked only if I used this syntax:
>>>>> <xsl:sort select="."
>>>>>> collation=""/>
>>>>> I do not know much about the values that the collation attribute
>>>>> takes, but this was in one of the examples on the Saxonica
>>>>> documentation page:
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Radu
>>>>> Radu Coravu
>>>>> <oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
>>>>> On 9/19/2017 5:15 PM, Jean-Luc Chevillard wrote:
>>>>>> Greetings
>>>>>> The title of this message says it all:
>>>>>> Is Tamil among the languages for which a specific collation is
>>>>>> available
>>>>>> when using Oxygen?
>>>>>> I have to sort items in the Tamil alphabetical order,
>>>>>> but when I specify that « lang="ta" »
>>>>>> as a parameter in my sort command,
>>>>>> the order I obtain is the one which is based
>>>>>> on the Unicode codepoint collation,
>>>>>> which is not what one expects while sorting Tamil words
>>>>>> The same thing happens if I define
>>>>>> a parameter such as
>>>>>> <xsl:param name="sorting-collation"
>>>>>> select="''"/>
>>>>>> and then use it in a sort command
>>>>>> <xsl:sort select="." collation="{$sorting-collation}"/>
>>>>>> To give a specific example
>>>>>> the following short list is extracted from a much longer list
>>>>>> which is part of an HTML file
>>>>>> created by applying an XSLT file
>>>>>> (containing SORT commands)
>>>>>> to an XML file
>>>>>> <ul>
>>>>>> <li>அத்தத்தின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அனந்தன் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அனற்பொறியின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அனற்றிரளின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அனுடத்தின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அமரமாதர் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 2 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அரக்கர் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அருகன் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 43 items]</li>
>>>>>> </ul>
>>>>>> HOWEVER, this is not the proper Tamil dictionnary order order, which
>>>>>> should be:
>>>>>> <ul>
>>>>>> <li>அத்தத்தின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அமரமாதர் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 2 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அரக்கர் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அருகன் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 43 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அனந்தன் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அனற்பொறியின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அனற்றிரளின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 1 items]</li>
>>>>>> <li>அனுடத்தின் பெயர் [head-word ABOVE 7 items]</li>
>>>>>> </ul>
>>>>>> Any suggestions would be appreciated
>>>>>> -- Jean-Luc Chevillard (currently in Pondicherry, India)
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